2nd Month Blog Report- Stats & Strategies (10,351 pageviews)
2nd Month Blog Report – Stats and Strategies (10,351 pageviews)
Hello Everyone! Today, we bring you our 2nd month blog report. This time we will be a little more balanced by giving you the stats and also lots of strategies. So how did we do? Let’s dig into it.
2nd Month Blog Report – The stats
These are the stats:
- Pageviews: 10,351! (Crossed five figures!!!)
- Sessions: 4,950
- Users: 3,538
- Pages/Session: 2.09
- Sessions per user: 1.41
- Avg. Session Duration: 00:02:51
- %New Sessions: 66.26%
- New visitors: 69%
- Bounce Rate: 63.86%
Like previously mentioned, when we set out to start blogging, our hope was to have at least 500pageviews/month and we are excited to see that we had 10,351 pages and have now crossed the 5 figures achieving the target we had set for ourselves.
During the ThanksGiving week, the traffic died down, and it didn’t look like we were going to hit our goal. But the last week of the month, traffic picked up again and we are happy to see we have achieved our goal.
According to experienced bloggers, November and December always bring low traffic, and it picks up again in January, when everyone gets serious with their new year resolutions.
2nd Month Blog Report – Alexa Rank
We are also excited to see that our Alexa ranking has changed from “Not Ranked” to 4,000,000 and now to 816,000! We thought it would take us 1-2 years to get here, but we are ecstatic to see it only took us 2 months!
For the newbies who might not know, Alexa ranking is one of the metrics that advertisers and sponsors look at when deciding who to advertise with and for how much.
Depending on who you ask, hitting 200K, or 100K or 50K is when you know you have really made it. For now, though, we are happy with our 800K, we will take what we can get 😊.
2nd Month Blog Report – Featured in
November went well. We got featured in:
- FinanciallyMint – Financial Experiments: The Fun Way to Finance
- Interview by ChiefMomOfficer
- WinningPersonalFinance-New Baby!?! How To Save Money on Child Expenses
- MillionaireDoc Blogroll
- AFinancialSavvyDoc Blogroll
You can see the full list of those that have featured us here.
Thank you guys, we really appreciate it. As rookies, we need all the help we can get.
If you want to feature us, feel free to do so. If you need a quote or you want to interview us, please feel free to reach out. We are a friendly bunch 😊.
We are still waiting on that RockStarFinance feature (shameless plug 😊). They say Ask And You Shall Receive…😊
2nd Month Blog Report – Readers all around the world
It’s good to see that we have readers all around the world, from America (North, Central & South) to Africa, Asia, Australia, and Europe.
The top 5 countries are US, Canada, UK, Australia and India. We got traffic from a total of 63 countries.
Thank you all for visiting our blog!
2nd Month Blog Report – Most popular posts:
- How We Increased Our Annual Income From $0 to $160K to $400K+
- About us
- Blog Report for First Full Month (9,262 pageviews) and Our Strategies
- How I Paid Off My $40K Student Loans Before Graduating Plus Other Kickass Stories
- The Resumes That Bring In $400K+/Year (Samples Provided)
- What Do Millionaires Know About Money That Most People Don’t?
- How we live on 15% of our income
- Our 6 Financial Mistakes and 15 Lessons Learned
- How To Pay Off A Mortgage In 5 Years
- What BS Are You On?
- Joining the Million Dollar Club/Challenge and So Can You
- Our Biggest Money Fight and 9 Lessons Learned
- Giving Thanks And The 6 Gifts That Keep On Giving
- Blog Report for First Half Month Plus 4 Rookie Mistakes
- 15 Frugal Ways To Prepare For An Emergency
- How to Negotiate Your Salary Like a Pro
- 9 Amazing Tips for Using Social Media to Save Money
It seems people still love the post About us which narrates our poor, humble beginnings as broke, poor new immigrants, who put ourselves through school, worked 2-3 jobs at the same time, barely had food to eat, lived in not so safe neighborhood surrounded by alcoholics, gang members, gamblers, prostitutes, drug dealers/users,…
But were able to overcome the challenges, graduate college, get good jobs and start successful side gigs.
Our readers also still love the post about How We Increased Our Annual Income From $0 to $160K to $400K+ and have even started implementing the career advice, we gave in that post. They have also asked us to continue dishing out some more career advice which we will gladly do. Stay tuned.
We also continue to receive emails from our readers asking us for advice. And we always make sure to reply to all of them. So please feel free to reach out if you have any question(s).
2nd Month Blog Report – Most controversial post
When blogging, a little negativity is expected but this particular post brought more negativity than we expected.
Can you guess which post was the most controversial? We bet you can’t. The most controversial post was surprisingly:
How I Paid Off My $40K Student Loans Before Graduating Plus Other Kickass Stories
A lot of people enjoyed the advice that was given by us and the 6 other personal finance bloggers we featured, but a few people decided to try to discredit all the 8 stories that were featured.
One of those people, we will call her H for Hater, spent the whole day and night going through the post and all our other posts and trying to find something negative to say about them.
Finally, around 4am, she sent a message that explained where all the hate was coming from:
“…Americans have a LOT of financial responsibilities that immigrants don’t worry about so their money can pay for these things AND the roads they travel on. Forgoing car insurance, taxes, car payments would probably free up a lot of money to pay towards school. I was hit by an immigrant once. Cost me my vehicle. That $5,000 would of been handy towards my student loans….”
By the way, not sure where she got that we don’t pay our bills and that we don’t carry insurance on our cars? We do have insurance on our cars, pay our bills and taxes. But it’s pretty clear xenophobia is where all the hate was coming from.
All we have to say to H, is thank you for all the pageviews. If it wasn’t for you, we might not have been able to reach our goal. A pageview is still a pageview after all😊.
If you can’t stand haters and negativity, make sure you share the post. Let’s drive H and all the other haters crazy 😊
How I Paid Off My $40K Student Loans Before Graduating Plus Other Kickass Stories
2nd Month Blog Report – Engagement/Comments
Overall, the engagement was good. Our posts got 210 comments during the month for a total of 381 which is not bad considering we only post about once a week. Keep those comments coming guys, we will make sure we reply to every single one of them.
Guest posts
Do you want to guest post for us? Our rules are pretty simple and straight-forward:
- No plagiarism. The article must be original content and it must not have been posted anywhere else
- The article must be about money/finance/career/saving/investing/relationship/business/…
- Ideally it should include a personal story, so that our readers can relate to you.
- Ideally it should at least be 1,000-1,500 words
- Links are allowed but at least half of the links should be linking our articles/resources
- No drafts. Must be final version.
- You agree to reply to comments
- If you are a blogger, you agree to share the guest post on your social media platforms, and link to it on your blog.
2nd Month Blog Report – Social Media
- Twitter has been great. Our goal for the month was to get 2,000 followers and we are happy to report that we reached the goal. The month ended with 2,014 followers.
- Instagram: Our goal for the month was also to have 1,000 followers but we missed the goal and ended up with 820 followers. Our fault because we completely forgot to work on Instagram, by the time we remembered there were only 2 days left!
- Pinterest has been fantastic for the month. It outperformed all other social networks. We almost doubled our followers to 170 followers and it brought in more traffic than all the others. How were we able to do this? We will expand on this more below.
If fellow bloggers could also invite us to corroborate on boards, it would be appreciated. Right now we belong to only 26 boards, our hope is to add at least 10 boards a month.
We have also created 2 boards for the community:
Everyone is welcomed to join. We only have 1 rule: For every PIN you add, Repin 2 from other people. Follow us and then message us to be added to the board. Once we add you, you can add other people too.
Our LinkedIn page is not doing too well, but our LinkedIn profile is doing better. Please make sure you follow us.
- Facebook is still very challenging. Our goal for the month was to also have 100 followers but we still have only 6 followers . If you don’t mind, please follow our page.
2nd Month Blog Report – Subscribers
We have more than doubled the number of our subscribers from 42 to now 93. How were we able to do this? W will expand on this more below.
We are so thrilled that you guys are finding our content worthwhile.
Please share with your friends, family members, colleagues… After all, this blog is about Progress, Prosperity and Financial Independence for ALL.
PS: It has come to our attention that our emails sometimes go straight to Spam, Promotional or Important folders. If you have subscribed and you don’t see our emails in your inbox, please check those folders and set the emails to go to your inbox.
If you don’t find our emails at all, let us know and we can manually subscribe you again.
2nd Month Blog Report – Monetization
Even though right now we are not too focused on monetizing the blog, it’s something we might actively pursue in the future.
Our blog is about progress, prosperity and financial independence and our readers are definitively interested in how they can make more money so they can achieve financial independence faster.
Thus, it only makes sense for us to try to monetize the blog and write about our successes, failures, and lessons learned…
However, ALL the money the blog will make, at least in the first few years, will be reinvested in the blog, in order to bring you more content and reach more people. It’s a win-win-win situation.
Thus, if you like what we have to say, and want to show us some support, please use our affiliate links.
Affiliate Links: We have signed up for a few affiliate programs that we think our readers will benefit from. For example, if you need an easier way to manage/track your finances/investments, check out the Personal Capital app.
If you want to start blogging, Bluehost can get you started. Make sure to also check out other resources that we recommend such as books that have helped us get where we are.
Check out some of the blogs that are making decent money:
- MakingSenseofCents makes $100,000+/month blogging
- MillennialMoneyMan makes $16,000+/month blogging
- PhysicianOnFire makes mid-five figures/year and has only been blogging for 1.5 year.
- RetireBy40 is on path to making $60,000 this year blogging.
- And many more…
Do you want to start blogging? It’s easy. Bluehost can get you started
So how did we do this month? How much did the blog make and how much was reinvested? We will expand on this more below.
2nd Month Blog Report – Goals/Targets
2nd Month Blog Report – Our Strategies
Please subscribe to get access to:
- 1,500 words of detailed strategies:
- 0ur top 5 traffic sources
- Our strategies pertaining to those traffic sources
- How we were able to more than double the number of our subscribers
- Our Pinterest strategy
- The strategies that didn’t work
- How much the blog made
- How the earnings were reinvested and whether it worked or not
- Upcoming strategy
Special thanks to those who:
- Visited our blog
- Read our posts
- Commented on our posts
- Shared our posts
- Liked our posts
- Retweeted our posts
- Featured us in their posts
- Guest posted on our blog
- Replied to our rookie questions
- Used our affiliate links
- Personal finance bloggers who have paved the way for us.
What about you guys? What are your targets or goals? Any tips or strategies you want to share?
Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment, share and subscribe! We love ya and wanna get to know ya!
Do you want an easier way to manage/track your finances/investments? The Personal Capital app can help. Do you want to start blogging? Bluehost can get you started. Make sure to also check out other resources that we recommend such as books that have helped us get where we are.
Do you want to learn more about us? If so, you can also read these other posts:
- About us
- How We Increased Our Annual Income From $0 to $160K to $400K+
- How we live on 15% of our income
- Joining the Million Dollar Club/Challenge and So Can You
- How To Pay Off A Mortgage In 5 Years
- Our Biggest Money Fight and 9 Lessons Learned
- Our 6 Financial Mistakes and 15 Lessons Learned
- How I Paid Off My $40,000 Student Loans Before Graduating
- The resumes that bring in $400,000+/year (Samples Provided)
Great growth! Still carrying that fastest growing PF blog title! And sorry for the hater, sounds like you handled it great! (Thanks for the pageviews hater 🙂 !)
Also! I just went over to the subscriber area to read the “all access details.” It was awesome! If you haven’t subscribed I highly recommend it! The 99to1Percent family has me thinking about new blogging strategies! (Plus I just love their honesty!)
oooohhh, thanks Kiwi. You are the best advocator ever!
Thanks Kiwi. All pageviews are welcome 🙂
Thanks for the link. You are killing it in life and with the blog. What are your biggest traffic sources? I’m heading over to the subscriber’s area now to check it out. I’m sure it’s fantastic.
Yes, check it out you will find plenty of useful info in there
Excellent month, congrats! It’s cool to hear your traffic keeps growing. Great job. What’s your target for the coming 3rd month pageviews?
This month, we are taking it easy since it’s supposed to be a slow month. So we are targetting 11K pageviews.
Awesome job guys! Another stellar month. Show me your secretssss (suscribing) 🙂
Yes, you will get to see all our secrets #FullDisclosure #OpenBook 🙂
Already a subscriber. Thanks for sharing your secrets, will use them when I do decide to start my own blog. You have inspired me 🙂
Glad to hear we have inspired you! Let us know once you start the blog so we can check it out 😉
Crushing it! Congrats on your success keep it up, great report showing your progress thanks for sharing.
Glad you liked the report. Thanks
Wow! You guys are doing awesome!
Thanks buddy! Got your email, will reply soon
Thanks for another awesome update and congrats! The figures are almost overwhelming but also motivational. Thanks again.
Oh no, this is not meant to overwhlem you. it’s meant for us to share good tips and motivate each other. We have been following your blog for a couple of months now, and we see that it’s growing nice and steady. Keep up the good work!
Congratulations! This is so detailed. I especially love that you showed your spreadsheet for your goals and how much detail and thought goes into your growth on your blog.
Tiffany Staples | http://tiffanystaples.com
Thanks Tiffany. Yes, a lot of thought goes into it, good to see it’s paying off.
Awesome job on the page views! I was curious how my Google Analytics stacked up to yours, and I had 1,694 page views on my main blog and 649 page views on my dog blog (http://www.puppy-snuggles.com/) for the month of November. More than I expected, but a long way to your 10,351!
Love the name Puppy Snuggles. The blog looks good too. How do you manage 2 blogs? 1 alone is like full time job 🙂
I don’t post on either as often as I should. I’m thinking of hiring people to write stuff for Puppy Snuggles, i.e. pay for guest posts or pay people to write about their dogs, but that won’t be for another month or two.
I keep very busy, blogging helps me collect my thoughts.
Sounds like a good plan.
Great job with the page views. I like that you have goals for how many followers you want for your social media platforms. It makes you push for even more when you reach that goal.
Keep it up!!
Yes, setting goals and monitoring them on a regular basis can be helpful.
I continue to be astounded by your success. Thank you for sharing. Here is wishing you even more readers in the New Year. I’m shamelessly copying your strategies! (slow going due to heavy work-load this month.)
hahaha feel free to copy them. That’s why we share them. We see other bloggers as partners not competitors.
This is great for only two months! It was my first month blogging seriously and I did better than I expected! It’s great to hit those golas (& surpass them!) Definitely going to look through your posts and see what tips I can use from you!
Welcome to the blog-sphere Cassy! Will be checking out your blog. And yes, do check out our tips, you will find them useful
Good job on the growth! This is amazing!
Thanks buddy!
Nice work here! I like that you’re honest about your intentions with this blog. Too bad you have people like H the Hater raining on your parade, but I kind of like have the skeptics show up. It means you’re getting eyes on your content outside of the community.
Keep up the great work! and PS – Sorry I lost your comment on my last post. It was fall-out from my site going hard-down on Sunday. 🙁
Thanks Cubert. Yes, honesty is the best policy.
Sorry to hear about the website. Will visit again soon.
Keep up the good work, Mrs99to1. And keep giving ’em hell. Very impressive stats. Love what you guys are doing.
Thanks! Just learning from the pros like you guys 🙂
Another great update, looking forward to seeing what the 3rd month brought 🙂
Thanks, stay tuned 🙂
Wow …it’s excellent….and I am feeling also proud as a blogger for your work..all the very best for you future..
Thanks. Same to you 🙂