4th Month Blog Report – Stats & Strategies (15,064 pageviews)

Ms 99to1percent

Blogging about Personal Finance along with a little touch of humor. Immigrant who started from the bottom and now I’m here…to tell my story, inspire and learn from others. Paid off $40K in student loans before graduating. CPA. Saved a $100K emergency fund in my 20’s. Hopping to pay off $500K+ mortgage within 5 years at 39. Hopping to become financially independent at 45. Happily married. Mom of 1.

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43 responses

  1. Great stats again!! Keep up the amazing work – it’s paying off!

  2. Thank you again for sending questions to our AMA! It was a lot of fun answering them 🙂

    I like the idea of a 40 days of Lent challenge… I’ll chat with Mr. AR but we may be in!!! I’ll let you know 🙂

  3. Rocky says:

    Very nice progress! I think you’re going to blow your February goal out of the water. Love these updates and look forward to them every month! Keep up the good work!

  4. Caroline says:

    Great report again! Lots of great tips in there:)
    Is there a good online overview on how to use Tailwind (for Pinterest challenged bloggers!)?

  5. JoeHx says:

    My main blog sitting at just over the 2 million mark on my Alexa rank, and my other blog is sitting at over the 6 million mark. Although I’ve been blogging more than four months, it feels go to know you where once over the 20 million mark – 10 times my main blog! It let’s me know it is possible to get better readership – which is very encouraging.

  6. Tawcan says:

    Pretty awesome progress! Very interesting that you’re getting more traffic from the US considering you’re a fellow Canuck. 🙂

  7. Congrats! This is super great progress. Very inspiring for us newbie bloggers 😀

  8. You guys are killing it! I’m impressed with how much you’re on other sites. I can barely keep up with mine, haha!

  9. PiggyBanki says:

    Wow congrats and thanks for sharing! Great tips and good to learn them from someone who started from scratch 🙂

  10. Great work! Congratulations on all of your success.

  11. Congrats Ms. 99to1Percent, this is some great work! Tailwind is a great application – I’ve just got on it and I’m excited to go to the moon with it!

  12. Jennifer says:

    I love reading your blog reports. They make me want to start my own blog 🙂

  13. Fantastic stats and some great advice also. I wish you the best of luck with the project for the next 4 months also and hopefully you smash all of your targets.

  14. Mathew says:

    Many thanks for such a succinct post.

  15. You guys are on fire!

    Your content is always a joy to read, and I always look forward to reading your posts. I couldn’t be more happy for your success!

  16. Indexia says:

    Thanks for sharing such an amazing article,and mentioning those list which were too good from financial aspect.Keep posting such articles,Good work

  17. This is an awesome post! I just entered my second month of blogging and can already tell profound impacts in my money habits. It is very cool to see the amount of reach you can attain in such a short amount of time, thanks for sharing.

    I just found your blog through RSF and look forward to keeping up with your posts!!


  18. Jason Butler says:

    Congrats on having a great month. My 4th month was nowhere near that good.

  19. Maomaochia says:

    Really nice, only 4 months can get this result. Good jobs
    I am struggling not it.

  1. February 26, 2018

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  2. March 5, 2018

    […] 4th Month Blog Report Strategies at 99to1percent – Great strategies and updates from 99to1percent. […]

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